Perkataan 'politically stupid' mungkin terlalu kasar - apa yang PAS nak lakukan adalah isu dalaman parti PAS.
Persoalan bahawa dalam sebuah pertubuhan yang demokratik, siapa pun boleh berkata apa dan membentangkan pendapat - persoalannya adalah apakah keputusan atau pendirian akhir PasMa?
Adakah mereka membuat pendirian bahawa Presiden Pas itu 'politically stupid', atau adakah ini hanya kata seorang dalam sesi perbincangan?
Bagaimana MP Temerloh tahu apa yang dibincangkan dalam mesyuarat PasMa? Adakah dia sendiri hadhir? Atau hanya berdasarkan apa yang mereka yang hadhir memberitahu beliau - kalau ini ada bahaya tak tepat kecuali jelas ada tape atau video recording (itu pun berasaskan konteks)?
Harus diingat bahawa PasMa tidak dapat dihubungi untuk mendapat komen atau jawapan PasMa kepada apa yang dikatakan MP Temerloh? Jangan kita cepat mahu sampai kepada mempercayai sama ada benar atau tidak... ini hanya kata seorang, di mana asas maklumatnya juga tak jelas...
Bolehkah ahli PAS kritik Presiden dan kepimpinan parti? Memang boleh ...jika ianya parti demokratik. Dalam UMNO dan BN, nampaknya tidak boleh.
Kerajaan BN pun kini guna Akta Hasutan terhadap mereka yang berpendapat lain dan yang menimbulkan perasaan ketidakpuasan terhadap kerajaan kini. Ingat, kebenaran bukan pembelaan menangani tuduhan hasutan... ertinya, benar pun tak kira, persoalannya adakah apa yang dikatakan menimbulkan perasaan ketidakpuasan (disaffection) terhadap kerajan, dll...
'PasMa wants Hadi out, labels him politically inept'
PAS central committee Nasrudin Hassan has accused
Persatuan Ummah Sejahtera Malaysia (PasMa), an organisation set up by
the Islamic party's members, of wanting to topple PAS president Abdul
Hadi Awang.
Nasrudin claimed that PasMa had in a meeting on Aug 31 at Pustaka Az Zahra, Kota Bharu, discussed about replacing Hadi.
"It was a meeting filled with discussions and criticism of the PAS topmost leadership, which is Hadi.
"They even discussed about how to bring down the president," he said in a Facebook posting.
said he was informed that in the meeting, a Johor PAS Youth leader had
challenged the PAS central committee, which has been at odds with Hadi,
to oust the president before the muktamar (annual assembly) this week.
"(It was pointed out in the meeting), there are 24 of 36 PAS central committee members who are aligned to them and (questions were raised) why they cannot control the central PAS' decision.
"It said the president was politically stupid and said the PAS central committee could oust Hadi without waiting for the muktamar," he said.
Malaysiakini could not contact PasMa president Phahrolrazi Mat Zawawi for comment.
PasMa was set up following the Selangor crisis which has caused cracks within the party between the conservative and pro-Pakatan Rakyat groups.
Phahrolrazi had previously told Malaysiakini that the NGO did not intend to oust Hadi or overturn PAS’ tradition of having clerics as its top leader but was instead to advocate continued cooperation with Pakatan.
He had said the NGO was to discuss "sensitive issues" as the framework of PAS did not allow such debates.
Meanwhile, Terengganu PAS has forbidden its members from being involved in PasMA activities.
In a statement, Terengganu PAS secretary Muhyiddin Abdul Rashid said this involved becoming members of the organisation or participating in its programmes. - Malaysiakini, 14/9/2014, 'PasMa wants Hadi out, labels him politically inept'
Nasrudin claimed that PasMa had in a meeting on Aug 31 at Pustaka Az Zahra, Kota Bharu, discussed about replacing Hadi.
"It was a meeting filled with discussions and criticism of the PAS topmost leadership, which is Hadi.
"They even discussed about how to bring down the president," he said in a Facebook posting.
"(It was pointed out in the meeting), there are 24 of 36 PAS central committee members who are aligned to them and (questions were raised) why they cannot control the central PAS' decision.
"It said the president was politically stupid and said the PAS central committee could oust Hadi without waiting for the muktamar," he said.
Malaysiakini could not contact PasMa president Phahrolrazi Mat Zawawi for comment.
PasMa was set up following the Selangor crisis which has caused cracks within the party between the conservative and pro-Pakatan Rakyat groups.
Phahrolrazi had previously told Malaysiakini that the NGO did not intend to oust Hadi or overturn PAS’ tradition of having clerics as its top leader but was instead to advocate continued cooperation with Pakatan.
He had said the NGO was to discuss "sensitive issues" as the framework of PAS did not allow such debates.
Meanwhile, Terengganu PAS has forbidden its members from being involved in PasMA activities.
In a statement, Terengganu PAS secretary Muhyiddin Abdul Rashid said this involved becoming members of the organisation or participating in its programmes. - Malaysiakini, 14/9/2014, 'PasMa wants Hadi out, labels him politically inept'
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